Medal of notary




Item number: M51

Year: AD 1862

Material: Gold and Enamel

Size: Medal 29.29 x 15.06 / Ribbon 8.54 x 23.34 mm

Weight: 3.84 g

Provenance: La Galerie Numismatique 2023

This medal, “Medal of notary”, was issued to certified notaries in the Spain Empire since AD 1862.

The miniature is shield-shaped, exhibiting a suspended crown above the insignia. On the obverse, a book surrounded by a laurel wreath and the motto “nihil prius fide” is displayed, while the reverse features the creation date of the medal, May 28, AD 1862, encircled by the legend “Decreto 9 De Noviembre De 1874 (Decree of November 9, AD 1874).”

The Organic Law of Notaries of Spain, dated May 28, AD 1862, stands as a testament to the legal framework that has consistently adapted to the evolving landscape and, in the contemporary context, embraces technological advancements such as internet usage and computer applications. Albacete, being the locale of the Territorial Court, served as the headquarters for the Notarial College, aligning its jurisdiction with that of the aforementioned Court.

Article 10 of the Notarial Law of AD 1862 meticulously regulated the process of attaining the position of a notary, mandating a degree in Law and successful completion of a competitive examination. Subsequent provisions have iteratively fine-tuned the criteria for achieving the esteemed status of a notary.

Royal Decree 1209/1984, which brought about modifications to specific articles of the Notarial Regulation, outlines the requisites for aspiring notaries. Chapter 5, in particular, signifies a shift, replacing the system of competitive examinations for specific Notaries with competitive examinations for the title of Notary.

Furthermore, it is stipulated that there shall be at least one competitive examination per year, delineating the composition of examination boards and the venues for these assessments. Upon successful completion, the new notary is conferred with a title issued by the Ministry of Justice on behalf of the King.

Upon induction into the notarial association, new notaries undertake an oath or make a solemn promise, pledging allegiance with the formula: “(I swear or promise) on my conscience and honor, fidelity to the King, to uphold the Constitution and the Laws, and to fulfill my duties as a Notary faithfully and with diligence.” This formula, endorsed by the General Council of Notaries, is presently employed at the Notarial College of Castilla-La Mancha, with the oath taken on a crucifix, a Bible, or the Constitution.

Each notary is endowed with a seal, as prescribed by Article 66, mandating its centrality to bear a book-shaped protocol with the motto “Nihil prius fide(Nothing before faith)”, framed by the notary’s name, surname, and residence designation.

Moreover, certified notaries are entitled to employ an official emblem, as outlined in Article 65, represented by an oval gold medal featuring a closed book bordered by two olive branches on the obverse, with the inscription “Nihil prius fide,” and on the reverse, the date of the Notary Law.

Notaries also possess a silver plate overlaid with gold, designed in an eight-pointed star configuration with a crown at the top and an enameled shield in gold bearing the arms of Spain in the center. From the shield’s bottom extend two ribbons inscribed with “Fe pública notarial(Notarial public faith),” and below their intersection lies a protocol-shaped book with the motto “Nihil prius fide(Nothing before faith).”

In the academic context, a professorial or academic degree is visually represented by a medal, metal, or enameled insignia. This insignia typically bears figures, inscriptions, symbols, or emblems enclosed within a circular or oval cartouche. Worn as a pendant, it is affixed to a distinctive ribbon or cord. The academic insignia, known as a “Venera,” may be embroidered on the chest or suspended from the neck by a cord, ribbon, or chain. The cartouche, framing the medal, displays decorations, scrolls, or branches, often adorned with palms, laurels, or oak branches, in accordance with the style of Royal Academy medals.

物件編號: M51

年代: 公元 1862 年

材質: 黃金, 琺瑯

尺寸: 獎章 29.29 x 15.06 / 綬帶 8.54 x 23.34 mm

重量: 3.84 g

來源: 貨幣畫廊 2023


此迷你版獎牌呈盾形,徽章上方懸掛著一個皇冠。正面展示了一本書,周圍環繞著月桂花圈和座右銘“nihil prius fide(信仰至上)”,反面則展示了獎牌的創建日期,即公元1862年5月28日,被“Decreto 9 De Noviembre De 1874(公元1874年11月9日頒發)”的銘文所包圍。




每位公證人都擁有一個印章,根據第66條的規定,中央部分應是一本形狀的協議,帶有“Nihil prius fide(信仰至上)”的座右銘,並由公證人的名字、姓氏和居住地指定包圍。

在學術場合下,教授或學術學位通常以獎牌、金屬或琺瑯徽章形式呈現。這種徽章通常呈圓形或橢圓形,包含圖案、銘文、符號或徽章。以吊墜形式佩戴,固定在獨特的緞帶或繩索上。學術徽章,被稱為“Venera”,可以繡在胸前,也可以用繩、緞帶或鏈子懸掛在脖子上。橢圓形輪廓 (cartouche),作為徽章的框架,展示裝飾、卷軸或樹枝,通常飾以棕櫚、月桂或橡樹枝葉,符合皇家學院獎牌的風格。


Vicente Pascual Carrión Iñiguez , El Colegio Notarial del territorio de Albacete, hoy Ilustre Colegio Notarial de Castilla-La Mancha Aspectos históricos y artísticos (Albacete: Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses, 2020)

Luis Calabuig, Estanislao de, Gaudeamus Igitur: protocolo universitario X. Distinciones y condecoraciones, 2020

Juan de Arias, Practica ecclesiastica para el vso y exercicio de notarios publicos y apostolicos, y secretario de prelados : con un tratado breue de visitacion de yglesias, muy vtil y necessario a los visitadores y notarios de visitacion, 1603
