The Most Distinguished Order of

Saint Michael and Saint George,

gold(Full size)



Item number: M67

Year: AD 1850-1870

Material: Gold and Enamel

Size: case 82.21 x 132 / order 51.57 x 51.57 / ribbon 70.94 x 38.29 mm

Weight: case 84.66 / order 44.5 g

Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022

The Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George was established in AD 1818 by the Prince Regent, later King George IV, in the name of King George III. The primary purpose was to commemorate Britain’s protection of the Ionian Islands and Malta, both of which came under British rule in AD 1814. Initially, the recipients of this order included the indigenous population of the Ionian Islands, residents of Malta and its dependencies, as well as individuals holding prominent governmental positions and engaging in covert missions in the Mediterranean region.

With the expansion of the British Empire in the late 19th century, the recipients of the Order experienced a gradual broadening, encompassing individuals who made outstanding contributions in dominions, colonies, and diplomatic affairs. This Order primarily bestowed honors upon officials overseeing colonial affairs, diplomats, and individuals fulfilling significant responsibilities within the Commonwealth nations. Even non-natives had the opportunity to be admitted as “honorary members.” Such expansion positioned the British Order of Knighthood as a recognition of exceptional service and contributions across diverse domains, solidifying its significant historical standing.

The order is divided into three classes, supplemented by the British Sovereign serving as the Sovereign of the order, and a Grand Master appointed by the British Sovereign.

classes Features of the order of the classes 
Knight/Dame Grand Cross (GCMG)  Star pinned to the left breast Badge on a sash, passing from the right shoulder to the left hip
Badge is 3¼ inches in diameter  
Knight/Dame Commander(KCMG/DCMG) Star which is smaller than grand cross’s one pinned to the left breast, composed of four rays, a small cross of eight points in saltire. 
Badge is 2⅝ inches in diameter  
Companion(CMG) Badge is 2⅛ inches in diameter 

During that era, knights of the Order were rigorously mandated to return their insignia upon their demise or elevation to a higher class.

The order of St. Michael and St. George features a white “seven-armed” Maltese cross crafted from enamel, adorned with a golden border. The central medallion on the obverse depicts the archangel St. Michael triumphing over Satan, while the reverse side illustrates St. George engaged in battle atop a horse, confronting a dragon. Both outer circumferences bear inscriptions in blue, with gilt letters stating “Auspicium Melioris Aevi” (“Token of a Better Age”), serving as the motto of this order.

Above the order features a golden crown, connected to a suspension ring, swivel bar, and a gold brooch loop, constituting one of the distinctive elements of the Companion class of the Order of St. Michael and St. George.

The ribbon incorporates a deep blue base with a central red stripe. The ribbon’s width for the shown medal above is 38.29 mm, and excluding the order’s body, the length of the ribbon is 70.94 mm.

St. George is a legendary Christian saint who lived in 3rd-century Asia Minor. He is renowned for his courageous confrontation with a malevolent dragon.

According to legend, the city where St. George resided was besieged by a menacing dragon. In order to safeguard the city’s inhabitants, St. George stepped forward and engaged in a fierce battle with the dragon, ultimately succeeding in slaying the creature.

The tale of slaying the dragon is regarded as a symbol of combating evil and protecting the vulnerable, gradually assimilated into Christian religious narratives. In the medieval period, the legend of St. George spread throughout Europe, where he became a patron saint for knights and crusaders, and was also revered as a guardian in England.

St. George’s story significantly influenced English culture, as he emerged as the patron saint of England, with the red cross on the flag of England named after him. Each year, on April 23rd, commemorating St. George’s Day has become a national celebration in England, marked by various festivities honoring this courageous saint.

物件編號: M67

年代: 公元 1850-1870 年

材質: 黃金, 琺瑯

尺寸: 盒 82.21 x 132 / 勳章 51.57 x 51.57 / 綬帶 70.94 x 38.29 mm

重量: 盒 84.66 / 勳章 44.5 g

來源: 利物浦獎章 2022



該騎士團劃分為三個等級,此外還有作為騎士團領導者的英國君主,以及一位英國君主任命的大團長(Grand Master): 

階級 勳章配帶特色
勳章半徑為 3¼ 英吋  
勳章半徑為 2⅝ 英吋   
爵士級 勳章半徑為 2⅛  英吋


聖米迦勒和聖喬治勳章的外表以由琺瑯製成的白色「七臂」馬爾他十字為主體,且外側帶有金框,正面中央的圓盤描繪了大天使聖米迦勒踐踏撒旦的景象,另一側則描繪了聖喬治在馬上與巨龍的戰鬥,兩面的外圈銘文皆以藍色為底,刻有鍍金字母「Auspicium Melioris Aevi」(「更美好時代的象徵」),為該騎士團的訓言。  


此勳章的勳帶設計以深藍色為底,中央有一條紅色條紋。此枚勳章的勳帶寬度為38.29 mm,除去勳章本體,其長度為70.94 mm。 

聖喬治(St. George)是一位傳說中的基督教聖人,生活在3世紀的小亞細亞。他因勇敢面對惡龍而聞名。




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