Gold Medal of the Senate


Item number: M47

Year: AD 1875-Present (AD 2024)

Material: Gold and Enamel

The results after XRF testing

Au69.19 %
Cu14.22 %
Ag9.79 %
Ir5.24 %
In0.941 %

Size: order 70.59 x 39.43 mm

Weight: 23.45 g

Provenance: La Galerie Numismatique 2022

In Spain, the Congress of Deputies and the Senate of Spain historically received a medal, along with its corresponding miniature for the lapels of their jackets, to authenticate their status when assuming their positions. Members adorned themselves with these medals during events necessitating their representation of the respective Chamber. Since AD 1977, exclusively presidents, Board members, and parliamentary spokespersons have been bestowed with medals, denoting their roles. These recipients are obligated to wear the deputy or senator medal, as appropriate, at institutional events where they embody their official positions within the Chamber or the Parliamentary Group.

Over the years, this medal has been presented as an institutional gift to visiting Heads of State during State Visits. The origin of this insignia remains somewhat obscure, with indications suggesting its establishment during the reign of Isabella II, as evidenced by portraits featuring senators and deputies adorned with these medals.

The effort to standardize senatorial insignia can be traced back to AD 1861, where a commission was proposed in the Senate for this purpose. In Congress, a precedent exists in the form of an agreement from March 4, AD 1861, and an order issued by the Interior Government Commission on July 3, AD 1873. This order, proposed by Messrs. Sánchez Yago and Santamaría, tasked the engraving professor of the School of Fine Arts, Mr. José Esteban, with creating the necessary dies and pieces for the coinage at a cost of two thousand pesetas. Upon approval of the current model by the Commission, the artist was entrusted with executing the work.

The obverse of the medal features a quartered, ovoid-shaped coat of arms of Spain, conforming to the heraldic description outlined in Law 33/1981. The practical application of this description was established in Royal Decree 2964/1981, which publicized the official model of the coat of arms of Spain used as its emblem. This oval variant is encircled by the collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece. The coat of arms is further adorned with a blue outer edge featuring gold fillets and a ribbon below the royal crown with the inscription “SENADOR DE REINO (Senate of the Kingdom)” in the same colors. On the reverse, a smooth and also blue surface displays the word “SENADO.” A suspended crown appears above the medal, while a golden fleece is suspended below it. This distinguished insignia is worn around the neck.

物件編號: M47

年代: 公元 1875 年至今(公元 2024年)

材質: 黃金, 琺瑯


69.19 %
14.22 %
9.79 %
5.24 %
0.941 %

尺寸: 勳章 70.59 x 39.43 mm

重量: 23.45 g

來源: 貨幣畫廊 2022



勳章的正面展示了一個被分為四部分且呈橢圓形的西班牙國徽,國徽被金羊毛騎士團的領帶所包圍。國徽本身裝飾著一個帶有金邊的藍色外緣,並在皇冠下方有一條帶有相同顏色的緞帶,上面寫著“SENADOR DE REINO(王國參議院)”。在背面,一個平滑且同樣藍色的表面顯示出“SENADO(參議員)”這個詞。勳章上方可見懸掛的王冠,而勳章下方懸掛著一個金羊毛雕像。這個徽章佩戴在脖子上。


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Congreso de los Diputados

La Moncloa. Pedro Sánchez asiste a la sesión de apertura de las Cortes Generales de la XV Legislatura. (2024/01/11)
