Royal and Military Order of Saint Ferdinand

(Miniature),First Class Gold Cross Grade



Item number: M53

Year: AD 1814-1899

Material: Gold and Enamel

Size: Order 15.7 x 11.02 / Ribbon 36.81 x 15.65 mm

Weight: 1.44 g

Provenance: Dixons Medals 2023

The Royal and Military Order of Saint Ferdinand (Real y Militar Orden de San Fernando) is Spain’s oldest military Order, with its origins dating back to the Peninsular War during the Napoleonic occupation of Spain (AD 1808-AD1814). On August 31, AD 1811, the Council of Cadiz issued the Order through Royal Decree No. 88 to boost morale and encourage resistance against the French occupation. Both individuals and groups were eligible for the decoration, regardless of their background. After the end of the Peninsular War in AD 1814, the restored Ferdinand VII re-established the order and introduced five grades.

The regulations from AD 1814 to 1920
Grades of OrderWay of WearingType of Order
Eligibility for conferral of the honor
Fifth Grand CrossOrder with grand cordonStar with laurel embellishmentCommander in chief
Fourth CrossOrder with ribbonStar with laurel embellishment
Order with laurel embellishment
Heroic services of generals and brigadiers
Third CrossOrder with ribbonSmall Star without laurel embellishmentDistinguished services of generals and brigadiers
Second CrossOrder with ribbonOrder with laurel embellishment (Gold/Silver)Heroic services of chiefs, officers and troops
First CrossOrder with ribbonOrder without laurel embellishment (Gold/Silver)Distinguished services of chiefs, officers and troops

In AD 1862, the medals for the lowest-ranking (first and second-class) were changed to a cross composed of four crossed swords. In AD 1920, the Royal Military Order underwent legal amendments, reducing the number of grades from five to three. In AD 1978, following the death of the dictator Franco and the enactment of the democratic constitution, the Order was temporarily abolished. It wasn’t until July 27, AD 2001, that, according to a royal decree, the “Regulations of the Royal and Military Order of Saint Ferdinand” were approved, restoring the establishment of the Order.

This item is a miniature version of the First Class Gold Cross of the Royal and Military Order of Saint Ferdinand, which was in use from AD 1814 to 1920, after the restoration of Ferdinand VII, serving as the basic version. The medal features a white enamel Maltese cross with eight gold balls decorating each of its endpoints. The upper arm of the cross is adorned with a green enamel-painted crown with a gold mond suspend, suspended from it, connecting to the suspension ring fixed to the ribbon. The ribbon color symbolizes the Spanish flag with a combination of red and orange, worn as a chest ribbon to display the insignia on the left breast.

On the obverse side, Saint Ferdinand I stands tall against a golden background, wearing a crown on his head, holding a sword in his left hand and a globus cruciger in his right hand, draped in a red cloak with a white fur lining, and standing on a green ground. The blue circle surrounding the figure is inscribed with legend “Military Merit” (AL MERITO MILITAR). On the reverse side, a faint outline of the eastern and western hemispheres, representing both land and sea, is visible beneath the crown symbolizing royal authority. The blue circle surrounding this image is inscribed with legend “The King and the Country” (EL REY Y LA PATRIA).

The current version from AD 2001 underwent only minor adjustments and refinements in design. For instance, the sword and the globus cruciger in Saint Ferdinand I’s hands were switched, and the green ground beneath his feet was replaced by crossed red and blue flags. The legend on the obverse side was changed to “Royal and Military Order of Saint Ferdinand” (REAL Y MILITAR ORDEN DE SAN FERNANDO).

物件編號: M53

年代: 公元 1814-1899 年

材質: 黃金, 琺瑯

尺寸: 勳章 15.7 x 11.02 / 綬帶 36.81 x 15.65 mm

重量: 1.44 g

來源: 迪生獎章 2023

聖斐迪南皇家軍事勳章(Real y Militar Orden de San Fernando) 是西班牙最為悠久的軍事勳章,歷史能追溯到拿破崙占領西班牙的半島戰爭期間(公元1808-公元1814)。公元1811年8月31日,抵抗法國佔領的加的斯議會為鼓勵士氣通過第88號法令頒發該勳章。個人或團體皆有授勳的資格,並且不問對象的出身背景。公元1814年,半島戰爭結束後,復辟的斐迪南七世重新頒布該勳章,設立五個等級。(見下圖)

四等十字級胸綬帶月桂的星章 / 帶月桂的勳章英勇表現的將軍和准將



勳章正面為聖斐迪南一世矗立於黃金背景,以頭戴王冠,左手持劍,右手握帶球十字架,身披白色貂皮內襯的紅披風,腳踏綠色大地的樣貌示人。周圍的藍色圓圈寫著「軍事功績」(AL MERITO MILITAR)。勳章背面,則是依稀可見陸地和海洋輪廓的東半球跟西半球,共同籠罩在代表王權的王冠下。周圍的藍色圓圈則寫著「國王與國家」(EL REY Y LA PATRIA)。

現行2001年版本,設計上僅有微幅調整和精進細節。如,手上的劍跟帶球十字架左右交換,腳踏的綠色土地被交叉的紅藍旗子取代。正面的銘文改成「聖斐迪南皇家軍事勳章」(REAL Y MILITAR ORDEN DE SAN FERNADO)。

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Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders Medals and Decorations of the World : instituted until 1945 : Part IV Bronze Book P-Z (Craotia:OBOL d.o.o. Zagreb, 2016)
