Medal In memory of Alexander III

(Full size)



Item number: M41

Year: AD 1896

Material: Silver

Size: Order 27.84 x 27.84 mm

Weight: 12.73 g

Manufactured by: St. Petersburg Mint

Provenance: Spink 2022

In the year AD 1896, in order to commemorate his father, Alexander III, on the 50th anniversary of his birth on February 26, the newly ascended Tsar Nicholas II issued a silver commemorative medal, which was designed by the sculptor A. Griliches Jr. and produced by the St. Petersburg Mint.

The obverse side features the right-facing portrait of Alexander III, with a laurel branch on the left and the Russian legend “Emperor Alexander III” (ИМП. АЛЕКСАНДРЪ III) on the right. The reverse side, between the crown and the cross, bears the years of the emperor’s reign, “1881-1895.”

During the reign of Alexander III, the Russian Empire enjoyed a rare period of peace, and there were no major upheavals domestically. In his younger years, Alexander III often presented himself with a strong and martial image. In AD 1888, a tragic incident occurred when the Imperial train derailed at high speed, resulting in the Borki train disaster that claimed the lives of 15 people. Despite the psychological impact and his own injuries, Alexander III personally participated in the rescue. However, the incident and the subsequent illness took a toll on the emperor’s health, leading to his untimely death at the age of 49 in AD 1895.

The medal was awarded to the military personnel and officials, who were serving the state during the reign of Alexander III, with a total issuance of 299,765.

物件編號: M41

年代: 公元 1896 年


尺寸: 勳章 27.84 x 27.84 mm

重量: 12.73 g

製造地: 聖彼得堡造幣廠

來源: 斯賓克拍賣行 2022

公元1896年,新繼位的沙皇尼古拉二世為紀念父親亞歷山大三世,於該年2月26日,即亞歷山大三世的五十周年誕辰紀念日,由雕刻師A. Griliches Jr.設計,聖彼得堡造幣廠生產的銀質紀念獎章。正面為亞歷山大三世的右側像,左側是一節月桂枝,右側是俄文拼寫「皇帝亞歷山大三世」(ИМП. АЛЕКСАНДРЪ III)銘文。背面的皇冠跟十字架之間,寫著先帝在位的年份「1881-1895」



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俄羅斯 國立彼爾姆畫廊 Perm State Art Gallery


Borna Barac, Reference Catalogue Orders Medals and Decorations of the World : instituted until 1945 : Part IV Bronze Book P-Z (Craotia:OBOL d.o.o. Zagreb, 2016)
