Order of the crown of italy,

Knight, gold(Full size)

義大利王冠勳章, 金


Item number: M39

Year: AD 1868-1983

Material: Silver, Gold and Enamel

The results after XRF testing

crown on the obverseeagle on the reversecross rim

Size: medal 36.03 x 36.03 / ribbon 68.86 x 38.93 mm

Weight: 9.00 g

Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022

The Order of the Crown of Italy had held a distinguished and significant position in history as an order of chivalry within Italy. It was established by King Vittorio Emanuele II in AD 1868 to commemorate the unification of Italy in 1861. This order recognized individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the Italian nation and society across various fields. 

The order was divided into five classes based on both civil and military achievements.

等級Class 勳章配戴形式 Manner of wearing order 
大十字騎士Knight Grand Cross 右肩飾帶上有勳章,星章配戴於左胸
Badge on sash on right shoulder, and star on left chest 
大軍官Grand Officer 星章配戴於左胸 Star on left chest 
指揮官Commander 領綬勳章Badge on necklet 
軍官Officer 襟綬勳章,帶上有花結,配戴於左胸
Badge on ribbon with rosette on left chest 
騎士Knight 襟綬勳章,配戴於左胸 Badge on ribbon on left chest 

Given that this order is a breast badge for knighthood and lacks a rosette on the ribbon, it therefore belongs to the knight class.

The order features a white enamel-edged, gold-plated cross with curved arms, adorned with Savoy knots between each arm for decorative purposes. The central disc on the obverse bears a Lombard Iron Crown against a blue enamel background. In the late Middle Ages, the crown was regarded as a legacy of the Lombard Kingdom and was used in the coronation of some Holy Roman Emperors as Kings of Italy, as depicted in the Austrian Iron Crown Order. The reverse side of the central disc displays a black enamel eagle with a circular flag of the Savoy Duchy at its center, symbolizing the heritage of the Savoy dynasty. 

Iron Crown of Lombardy: Considered one of the oldest royal insignia of Christendom, featuring six gold plates connected by hinges and stabilized by a 0.5-inch-wide inner iron ring, is adorned with jewels and enamel, reflecting Byzantine craftsmanship. Early descriptions did not mention the iron ring, scholars believe that it was possibly added in the 12th century, and only around 1585 or later, did the legend that the iron ring was made from the Crucifixion nail of Jesus Christ exist. Napoleon I once uttered the famous quote while putting the iron crown atop his head in AD 1805:
God has given it to me; beware he who touches it!
(Dio me l’ha data, guai a chi la tocca!)

The ribbon of the order is in red with a wide white stripe in the center. The width of the ribbon of this medal is 38.93 mm, and excluding the medal’s body, the length of the ribbon is 68.86 mm.

During the political referendum of AD 1946 in Italy, the monarchy was abolished, leading to the establishment of the Italian Republic. However, despite these constraints, Umberto II, reluctant to relinquish his esteemed position and honor, upheld the bestowment of the order in a private capacity. Thus, it continued to serve as a dynastic honor associated with the House of Savoy until his demise in AD 1983.

Umberto II, the last reigning monarch of Italy, was forced to abdicate barely a month into his tenure in May AD 1946 due to the referendum results. His fleeting reign earned him the epithet “the May King.” The order remained active, privately bestowed as a dynastic order by the House of Savoy until the cessation of conferrals following Umberto II’s demise in AD 1983.

物件編號: M39

年代: 公元 1868-1983 年

材質: 黃金, 琺瑯



尺寸: 勳章 36.03 x 36.03 / 勳帶 68.86 x 38.93 mm

重量: 9.00 g

來源: 利物浦獎章 2022



等級Class 勳章配戴形式 Manner of wearing order 
大十字騎士Knight Grand Cross 右肩飾帶上有勳章,星章配戴於左胸
Badge on sash on right shoulder, and star on left chest 
大軍官Grand Officer 星章配戴於左胸 Star on left chest 
指揮官Commander 領綬勳章Badge on necklet 
軍官Officer 襟綬勳章,帶上有花結,配戴於左胸
Badge on ribbon with rosette on left chest 
騎士Knight 襟綬勳章,配戴於左胸 Badge on ribbon on left chest 


騎士團的勳章是一個白色琺瑯製的邊緣彎曲的鍍金十字架,每個十字臂之間有薩伏伊結作為裝飾。正面中央圓盤上有藍色琺瑯背景的倫巴底鐵王冠 (在中世紀後期,皇冠被視為倫巴底王國的遺產,並被用作一些神聖羅馬帝國皇帝加冕為義大利國王的王冠。 如奧地利鐵王冠勳章所呈現)。背面中央圓盤上有一隻黑色琺瑯的雄鷹,雄鷹中央帶有圓形的薩伏伊公國旗幟的紅底白十字象徵。

授勳帶設計為紅底,中央帶有寬白色條紋,此枚勳章的勳帶寬度為38.93 mm,除去勳章章體,勳帶的長度則為68.86 mm。

倫巴鐵王冠:被認為是基督教世界中最古老的皇室象徵之一,六塊金板組成,透過鉸鏈連接,並由 0.5 英寸寬的內鐵環穩定住,飾有珠寶和琺瑯,體現了拜占庭工藝。 早期的紀錄中並沒有提到鐵環的存在,學者們認為可能是在 12 世紀時添加的,且直到 1585 年左右或之後鐵環才開始被形容為是由基督受難釘所做成的。 西元1805年,拿破崙一世將鐵王冠戴在頭上時曾說過一句名言:
(Dio me l’ha data,guai a chi la tocca!)


翁貝托二世,為末任義大利國王,由於公元1946年義大利舉行的政體公投,使他上任後一個多月就被迫下台,因短暫的統治時間(公元1946年5月9日 – 1946年6月12日),他也被稱為「五月國王」。 

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