Order of Saint Sylvester, Knight, type II




Item number: M59

Year: AD 1870/80-present (AD 2024)

Material: Gold and Enamel

Size: Order 18.8 x 13.85 / Ribbon 28.06 x 5.95 mm

Weight: 2.04 g

Provenance: La Galerie Numismatique 2023

The fifth highest Papal order is the Order of St. Sylvester. In AD 1841, Pope Gregory XVI reformed the Order of the Golden Spur as an order of merit, with recipients appointed by Papal brief. This reformed order was known as the “Order of St. Sylvester and the Golden Militia.”

Membership was to be confirmed in recognition of significant service rendered to the Church, limited to 150 commanders, 300 Roman knights, and an unlimited number of foreign members. The Order of St. Sylvester mirrors the classes and grades of the Order of St. Gregory the Great and is typically bestowed upon lay members for their active service in the apostolates.

Regulations of Gregory XVI:
Order of St. Sylvester and the Golden Militia
How to wear
CommanderA large-sized decoration suspended at the neck, on a wide ribbon
KnightA small-sized decoration on the left side of the breast, on a smaller ribbon

The Order of Saint Sylvester, initially unified with the Order of the Golden Spur, was formally constituted on February 7, AD 1905, by Pope Saint Pius X in his motu proprio, Multum ad excitandos. This act separated the united order into two distinct entities: the Order of Saint Sylvester and the Order of the Golden Spur.

Regulations of Pius X:
Order of Saint Sylvester
How to wear
Knight / Dame Grand Cross A large cross suspended from a broad ribbon (sash) over the right shoulder across the breast to the left hip, along with the breast star
Knight / Dame Commander with StarThe star of the Order on the lower left breast the star of the Order on the lower left breast
Knight CommanderA smaller cross suspended by the ribbon of the Order encircling the neck. 
Dame Commander A smaller cross suspended from a bow on the left breast
Knight/ DameThe smallest cross on a ribbon attached to the left breast of the tunic

Since AD 1994 women have been admitted to the Order as Dames in the same grades and divisions as men. Pope Saint Pius X also granted Papal knights a place of honor in Papal processions and ecclesiastical ceremonies.

Nomination procedures for this Order vary. Typically, awards are made based on recommendations from Diocesan Bishops, Archbishops, Nuncios, or members of the Roman Curia, recognizing special merit or service. The nomination process involves the local Bishop, who forwards recommendations through the appropriate Apostolic Nuncio to the Cardinal Secretary of State in Rome.

Upon approval, a diploma is issued in Latin (with the candidate’s forenames also translated into Latin where possible), and it is signed in almost every case on behalf of the Roman Pontiff by the Secretary of State of the Vatican. The award also usually requires the payment of a nominal “tax” to cover expenses concerned and support the work of the Church. It may be paid by the recipient or by someone else on his behalf.

Members have no privileges beyond wearing the decoration. Although Vatican reforms no longer confer special status on Papal knights, receiving a Papal knighthood is intended to inspire service among recipients, occasionally extended to non-Catholics. Notably, the Knights of Saint Sylvester retain the privilege of riding a horse inside Saint Peter’s in Rome.

Investitures of the Order may range from simply receiving the diploma to formal or ceremonial presentations, at the discretion of the nominating Bishop. Ceremonies conducted in the Vatican are rare and typically reserved for major public figures, heads of state, or diplomatic officials.

There is no single authoritative source of the membership of the Order of Saint Sylvester. As Papal knighthoods no longer convey special status, they are rarely published in Acta Apostolicae Sedis. Various private associations maintain their own membership lists, and attempts by scholars to compile definitive recipient numbers by country remain incomplete due to the nature of the award.

The order can be divided into two types.

Type I (AD I841-I870/80)Without enamel on the reverse
Type II (AD I870/80-present)With enamel on the reverse

This miniature represents a type II Knight order. It features a gold-enamelled Maltese cross on the obverse, bearing the image of St. Sylvester within a golden outer circlet, accompanied by the inscription ‘SANC. SYLVESTER P. M.’ (Saint Sylvester, Supreme Pontiff). On the reverse side, the year of the Order’s restoration, 1841, is depicted in golden Roman numerals ‘MDCCCXLI,’ encircled by an enameled ring inscribed with ‘1841 Gregorius XVI restituit’ (1841 Gregory XVI restored). Judging by the ribbon and the enameled reverse, this order pertains to the knight class and is classified as type II.

Attire for members varies with rank. The Grand Cross is worn suspended from a broad ribbon over the right shoulder, with a star worn on the left breast. Commanders wear the badge around the neck, while the Knight Commanders also wear a star. Simple Knights wear the badge on the left breast ribbon drape. The uniform, including a black jacket and plumed hat, is worn with a sword and becomes more elaborate with a higher rank. Ladies, however, do not wear the uniform, and the ribbon for a Dame Grand Cross is narrower than that of the Knight Grand Cross.

During that era, many recipients would commission local jewelers to create scaled-down or miniature versions of the insignia for easier portability or as substitutes when official replacements were needed.

物件編號: M59

年代: 公元 1870/80 年至今(公元 2024)

材質: 黃金, 琺瑯

尺寸: 勳章 18.8 x 13.85 /綬帶 28.06 x 5.95 mm

重量: 2.04 g

來源: 貨幣畫廊 2023


騎士小尺寸勳章,懸掛在左胸的小緞帶 上

公元1905年2月7日,教宗聖庇護十世在Multum ad excitandos中正式將聯合勳章分為兩個勳章:聖西爾維斯特勳章和黃金軍團勳章。









此為第二類騎士勳章的迷你版,由金色琺瑯馬耳他十字架組成,正面是聖西爾維斯特的肖像,置於金色外圈中,上方刻有“SANC. SYLVESTER P. M.”(教宗西爾維斯特一世)的銘文。背面是勳章復原的年份1841年,以金色羅馬數字”MDCCCXLI”呈現,並用琺瑯圈圈起,上面刻有“1841 Gregorius XVI restituit.”(1841年,格雷戈里十六世改革)。根據緞帶和背面的琺瑯,這個勳章屬於騎士級別的第二類勳章。




Rock, P.M.J. “Pontifical Decorations.” The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 4. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1908. 9 November 2022


Fotopersbureau De Boer , Henk Hilterman


The Papal Order of Saint Sylvester. www.papalknights.org/syl.html

Order of Saint Sylvester.

