The Medal for Long, Honest, and Faithful Service(Hallmarked)

Item number: M29

Year: AD 1984-2024 (present)

Material:  Gold

Size: 27 x 27 mm

Weight: 13.76 g

Provenance: Liverpool Medals 2022

The Medal for Long, Honest, and Faithful Service (Onderscheidingsteken voor langdurige, eerlijke en trouwe dienst) was established by King William I through Royal Decree on February 19, AD 1825, intended for soldiers below the rank of officer serving in the Dutch or Dutch East Indies Army. The decree stipulated that years served since AD 1813 would count toward eligibility for this decoration, while service in the Imperial French, Dutch, and Batavian armies, as well as in the Allied armies, would not be considered.

During the 18th century, the awarding of medals was infrequent, and soldiers and non-commissioned officers rarely met the criteria for eligibility. The first instances of medals for these ranks emerged on the British and German fronts during the Napoleonic Wars.

This medal has a diameter of 37 millimeters and was initially awarded in bronze after 12 years of service, and in silver after 24 years. Subsequently, Royal Decree No. 67 of April 13, AD 1859, introduced a gold medal of 27 millimeters for 36 years of service, and another gold medal, 37 millimeters in diameter, for 50 years of service. Since AD 1928, all medals have maintained a diameter of 27 millimeters, with the medal for 50 years of service having been discontinued.

Period I of AD 182537 mm, inscribed with “Voor Trouwen Dienst”
Period II of AD 185137 mm, inscribed with “Voor Trouwe Dienst”
Period III of AD 192827 mm, inscribed with “Voor Trouwen Dienst”
Period IV of AD 195127 mm, inscribed with “Voor Trouwe Dienst”
Period V of AD 198427 mm, inscribed with “Voor Trouwe Dienst”

This medal belongs to period V’s golden medal, identifiable by the inscription ‘Voor Trouwe Dienst’ and a diameter of 27mm, indicating that the honoree has served for 36 years. The obverse of the medal displays the founder’s monogram, a “W,” placed on a coat of arms adorned with a hoop crown. Meanwhile, the reverse exhibits the shield from the Dutch coat of arms, also embellished with a hoop crown but without the two lions. The shield is positioned atop a trophy, featuring identifiable elements such as six banners, a cannon, bullets, a rifle, and an ax. The semi-circular inscription “for loyal service” (Voor Trouwe Dienst) is placed above the national coat of arms. A mark can be seen at the top of the obverse.



物件編號: M29

年代: 公元 1984-2024 (迄今)

材質:  黃金

尺寸: 27 x 27 mm

重量: 13.76 g

來源: 利物浦獎章 2022

荷蘭長期服役勳章(Onderscheidingsteken voor langdurige, eerlijke en trouwe dienst)是由國王威廉一世於公元1825年2月19日的皇家法令所建立,針對荷蘭或荷屬東印度軍隊中軍官以下的士兵。法令規定自公元1813年以來的服役年限可以計入獲得此項榮譽的資格,但法國帝國、荷蘭和巴達維亞軍隊以及聯軍中的服役年限不予考慮。



時期一 (公元1825)直徑37毫米,銘文為“Voor Trouwen Dienst”
時期二(公元1851)直徑37毫米,銘文為“Voor Trouwe Dienst”
時期三 (公元1928)直徑27毫米,銘文為“Voor Trouwen Dienst”
時期四 (公元1951)直徑27毫米,銘文為“Voor Trouwe Dienst”
時期五 (公元1984)直徑27毫米,銘文為“Voor Trouwe Dienst”

這枚勳章屬於第五時期的金質勳章,從「Voor Trouwe Dienst」的銘文和27毫米的直徑可見。金質表明榮獲者已經服役36年。勳章正面展示了設立者字母「W」的花押字,置於飾有環狀王冠的荷蘭國徽上。反面展示了荷蘭國徽中的盾牌,同樣飾有環狀王冠,但缺少了兩隻獅子。盾牌置於一個獎杯上,其中可辨認出六面旗幟、火炮、子彈、步槍和斧頭。半圓形銘文「忠誠服務」(Voor Trouwe Dienst)置於國徽上方。正面的頂部可以觀察到工匠的標記。


荷蘭 泰勒博物館 Teylers Museum

荷蘭 國家軍事博物館 National Military Museum


Museum Militerku

onderscheidingen. Onderscheidingsteken voor langdurige, eerlijke en trouwe dienst

onderscheidingenforum. Medaille voor trouwe dienst voor de rang beneden officier
