Frederick VIII

The Order of Dannebrog, Knight

(Full size)


丹麥國旗勳章, 騎士級


Item number: M32

Year: AD 1906-1912

Material: Gold and Enamel

The results after XRF testing

royal cypher of RVIIIcrown

Size: 161 x 37 mm

Weight: 15.41 g

Provenance: Livepool Medals 2022

This is the Order of the Dannebrog, Knight class, established by King Christian V of Denmark-Norway in AD 1671. Members of the Order, known as the White Knights, correspond to the members of the Order of the Elephant, who were known as the Blue Knights. The Order of the Elephant, originating in Denmark in the 15th century, is the highest honor in Denmark. In AD 1808, King Frederick VI reformed the Order of the Dannebrog, dividing it into four classes, further sub-divided into different grades and titles:

In AD 1863, the class of Commander was split into two classes(with and without a breast star). In AD 1951, following a royal decree amendment, women were allowed to join the Order. In AD 1952, the rank of Knight was similarly divided into two classes. It is noteworthy that the class of Grand Commander is reserved for persons of princely origin or those members closely related to the Danish royal family

At present, the Order is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated meritorious service in civil or military capacities, made significant contributions to arts, science, or business, or contributed to Danish interests. 

The order features an enameled, red-bordered white cross of the Danish national flag, with a Danish royal crown decorations in each angle between the arms of the cross. Positioned at the center of the obverse is the royal cypher of King Christian V, encircled by the motto of the Order: “Gud og Kongen” (God and the King) on each top of the arms. On the reverse, the royal cypher of King Valdemar II Sejr is at the centerof the cross, linked to the legend of the origin of the Danish national flag. 

Legend attributes the adoption of Denmark’s national flag—characterized by a red background bearing a white cross—to King Valdemar II. During the Battle of Lindanise in AD 1219, when King Valdemar II led an expedition to Estonia,the Danish forces faced imminent defeat. According to the tale, at a critical moment, a red cloth with a white cross supposedly descended from the sky. This event is said to have turned the tide of fortune for the Danish army, leading to their ultimate victory. This occurrence is believed to be the inspiration for the choice of the red and white cross as the symbol for Denmark’s national flag. 

The 12 o’clock arm of the cross bears the royal cypher of King Frederick VI (pertaining to the significant reform of the Order in AD 1808), while the other three arms are inscribed with the accession years of three important figures: Valdemar II (AD 1219), Christian V (AD 1671), and Frederick VI (AD 1808). 

Attached to the suspension ring is the Danish crown, with the monogram of the reigning monarch below, main materials of both are gold. Each new monarch introduces a unique letter combination. The featured order, bestowed by Frederick VIII, is distinctive as he had a short reign of only six years. 

Frederick VIII, the eldest son of Christian IX, served as Crown Prince for over 40 years, ascending to the throne at the age of 62. Due to his late accession, his health remained frail, and he passed away at the age of 68 in Hamburg, Germany. 

物件編號: M32

年代: 公元 1906-1912 年

材質: 黃金, 琺瑯



尺寸: 161 x 37 mm

重量: 15.41 g

來源: 利物浦獎章 2022


公元1863年,指揮官階級被一分為二(戴星章和不戴星章),公元1951年皇家法令修改法規後,女性也被允許加入該騎士團。公元1952 年,騎士階級同樣被分為兩個級。值得注意的是,大指揮官級僅授予與丹麥王室有密切家族關係的皇室成員。 


此勳章的外形是一個琺瑯材質的帶紅色邊框的白色丹麥國旗十字,十字架臂間的各個角落各有一頂丹麥王冠,在勳章正面十字架的中心刻有騎士團創始人克里斯蒂安五世的皇家記號,十字架四個頂端的文字則為該騎士團的訓言: Gud og Kongen(上帝和國王)。 

在此勳章的背面,十字架的中心有丹麥國王瓦爾德馬二世 (Valdemar II Sejr)的皇家記號,傳聞瓦爾德馬二世國王與丹麥使用紅底白十字作為國旗的來由有關。瓦爾德馬二世國王在公元1219年的林達尼斯戰役中遠征愛沙尼亞時,一度屈居下風差點落敗,傳說中此時天空飄下一片帶白十字的紅布,讓丹麥軍隊的運勢轉變,贏得勝利。 




類似/相同物件 請看:

丹麥 腓特烈堡 Frederiksborg

愛沙尼亞 塔林騎士勳章博物館 Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood


Niels Simonsen – Portræt af Søren Ludvig Tuxen – 1837 – PICRYL – Public Domain Media Search Engine Public Domain Search 
