Order of the Zähringer Lion,

Knights cross 2nd class,

Grand duchy of Baden

(with swords)



Item number: M16

Year: AD 1866-1918

Material: Silver, Gold and Enamel

Size: 70.0 x 45.0 mm

Weight: 32.07 g

Provenance: La Galerie Numismatique 2023

The Order of the Zähringer Lion was established on December 26, AD 1812, by Grand Duke Karl Friedrich of the Grand Duchy of Baden, coinciding with the name day of his consort, Stefanie. This insignia is widely acknowledged as one of the most aesthetically pleasing honors within the German Empire. After AD 1815, individuals exhibiting exceptional service had gold oak leaves affixed above their insignia, bearing the letter “L” for Grand Duke Leopold, until AD 1866, when Grand Duke Friedrich I revised the statutes , omitting the “L” insignia. Subsequently, after 1866, recipients awarded for military merit were distinguished by crossed swords on their insignia.

Initially, the Order of the Zähringer Lion consisted of three classes: Grand Cross, Commander, and Knight. Through subsequent amendments, including the AD 1840 division of the Commander into 1st and 2nd classes—with the first class adorned by a star—and the AD 1866 subdivision of the Knight class into 1st and 2nd classes. The 2nd class Knight Cross, was crafted from silver, while the remaining insignia were fashioned from gold. Circa AD 1910, adjustments were made, transitioning the Commander rank insignia to silver-gilt.

This order belongs to the 2nd Knight class, featured an equal-armed cross, wider at the ends, adorned with curved-hook motifs between the arms. On the front, gold-plated swords crossed through the middle with crossguards in a floral design, overlapping the braces. The swords are smooth on the back and are riveted to the clasps. The obverse of the arms displayed green semicircular raised glass enamel, beveled at the tips, with decorations in each angle between the arms, culminating in a central gold-bordered disc portraying the family’s emblem— the Zähringen castle. The reverse of the disc depicted a gold upright lion on a red enamel background. A suspension loop soldered to the upper cross arm facilitated the attachment of a ribbon, green in color with orange-yellow stripes along its edges.

物件編號: M16

年代: 公元 1866-1918 年

材質: 銀, 黃金和琺瑯

尺寸: 70.0 x 45.0 mm

重量: 32.07 g

來源: 貨幣畫廊 2023

此勳章由巴登大公國大公卡爾·弗里德里希 (Karl Friedrich) 設立於公元1812年12月26日,該日亦是大公夫人史蒂芬妮 的命名日。扎林格雄獅勳章是公認最漂亮的德意志邦國勳章之一。公元1815年後,如果受勳者作出了獨特的貢獻,他們的勳章上方會有黃金打造的橡樹葉,葉子上刻有L的戳記,代表大公利奧波德(Leopold ),直到公元1866年大公腓特烈一世(Friedrich I )修改相關的法規,將L移除。公元1866年後如果受勳者是因為軍功而被授予此枚勳章,他們的勳章上會有交叉的雙劍。




identifymedals. the order of the Zähringer Lion.


ehrenzeichen-orden. Orden vom Zähringer Löwen Großkreuz mit Schwertern.


Badisches Landesmuseum. Leopold, Grand Duke of Baden.

Jörg Nimmergut, Deutsche Orden und Ehrenzeichen bis 1945 (German orders and decorations until 1945), 1997, vol. 1.

