Order of Leopold (Miniature),

Knight class, Civil Type

利奧波德勳章 民事迷你版

Item number: M18

Year: AD 1832-2024 (present)

Material: Gold and Enamel 

Size: 56 x 13 mm

Weight: 2.88 g

Provenance: Dixons Medals 2022

The Order of Leopold was established in AD 1832 by King Leopold I and stands as one of Belgium’s three national honors. It is the oldest and highest-ranking order, named after its founder, King Leopold I.

The order comprises three departments: military, maritime, and civil. Military decorations included crossed swords are placed beneath the crown, while the maritime department is signified by an anchor. Civil departments, however, do not feature swords or anchors. The order follows the French Legion of Honour with five classes: Grand Cordon, Grand Officer, Commander, Officer, and Knight. 

This order is a breast decoration with a ribbon and a bow, indicating an officer class. Its design features a white enamel Maltese cross surrounded by a green enamel laurel and oak leaf wreath. The central blue and red enamel emblem depicts Belgium’s national emblem, the heraldic lion. 

The obverse legend bears the French inscription “L’union fait la Force,” translating to “Unity makes Strength,” Belgium’s national motto coined by King Leopold I shortly after his accession to the throne. The reverse side bears a mirrored monogram “LR,” representing the founder, King Leopold I. 

The first knight of the Order of Leopold was a wounded soldier named Ausseil, who lost a leg during the Siege of Antwerp. King Leopold I, encountering him on the front lines, appointed him as the first knight after Ausseil expressed his dedication to his country and comrades. This act symbolized the monarch’s appreciation for valor.

The featured order is a miniature version, likely privately crafted, a common practice for recipients who sought smaller or portable versions for everyday wear or as replacements. The image below displays a price list from early days, illustrating quotes from private artisans based on different sizes and materials. 

物件編號: M18

年代: 公元 1832 年-2024 (迄今)

材質: 黃金, 琺瑯 

尺寸: 56 x 13 mm

重量: 2.88 g

來源: 迪生獎章 2022

利奧波德勳章在公元1832年由利奧波德一世國王創立,是比利時現行三項國家榮譽騎士勳章之一。它是比利時最古老、最高的勳章,以其創始人利奧波德一世國王的名字命名。它由軍事、海事和民事三個部門組成。若為軍事勳章,則皇冠的下方則會有鑲交叉的劍,若為錨則是海事部門相關,民事則無劍也無錨。此勳章的階級是借鑒法國榮譽的五個階級,分別為: 大榮譽級(Grand Cordon)、大軍官(“Grand Officier”)指揮官(“Commandeur”)、軍官(‘Officier’)、騎士(“Chevalier/Ridder”)。此徽章為襟綬,且緞帶上有花結,因此能判斷為軍官階級。 


勳章正面的外圈銘文刻有法文「L’union fait la Force」,意為團結就是力量,這是利奧波德一世國王即位不久後訂立的比利時國家訓言。勳章背面的中心則有著鏡像的「LR」花押字,象徵騎士勳章的創立者利奧波德一世國王。 

關於利奧波德騎士團的首位騎士成員還有一則小故事。利奧波德勳章的第一位騎士是一名參加安特衛普圍城戰而受重傷的士兵,名叫奧賽爾,他由於砲彈而一條腿遭到截斷。在第一線行進的利奧波德一世遇見了在擔架上的奧賽爾並予以關心: “我的朋友,你受了重傷”。奧賽爾並不知道對方的身分,回答道: “是的,我的將軍,但這是我的職責,為了我的祖國和我的戰友”並大聲喊“法國萬歲!” 



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