The Commemorative medal of China Expedition 1860

(Second Opium War)

Trade Card Ch. D. Paris

Item number: C9

Year: AD 1900-1920

Size: 72 x 103 mm

Provenance: Private collector, France, 2022

Translated inscription:

“In AD 1860, an Anglo-French expedition undertook the task of forcefully opening the gates of China. The most noteworthy event of this campaign was the triumph at Palikao, swiftly followed by the entry of our troops into Beijing, the capital of the Celestial Empire. On January 23, AD 1861, a medal was established to honor the soldiers who had participated in this expedition. The China Medal is crafted from silver and is suspended from a yellow ribbon intricately embroidered with blue Chinese characters.”

1860年中國遠征(第二次鴉片戰爭)紀念章 貿易

物件編號: C9

年代: 公元 1900-1920 年

尺寸: 72 x 103 mm

來源: 法國私人收藏 2022


「公元1860年,英法聯軍攻入中國大門。這場戰役中最引人注目的事件是八里橋之戰的勝利,隨後英法聯軍進佔當時的首都北京。公元1861年1月23日,拿破崙三世為參加這次遠征的士兵們頒發了一枚獎章。 這枚卡片中的中國遠征(第二次鴉片戰爭)的紀念章是一枚沒有作者簽名的銀牌,它懸掛在一條黃色絲帶上,絲帶上繡著藍色的漢字 『北京』。」


