Chicorée Extra

A La Boulangère
A. Cardon-Duverger
Advertising Card

Item number: C17

Year: AD 1890-1910

Size: 71 x 103 mm

Provenance: Private Collector in France 2022

Cardon-Duberger, a French chocolate factory founded by the Cadron family in AD 1884 in Raillencourt Saint-Olle, situated in northern France, engaged in collaboration with the La Boulangère chicory factory. Subsequently, in AD 1959, it fell under the ownership of the Ibled chocolate factory. The obverse of the trade card features the National Order of the Legion of Honour (Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur), portraying its founder, Napoleon Bonaparte, in the company of military officers. The reverse side offers a concise depiction of the order’s appearance, establishment, and associated privileges.

This order stands as the most ancient surviving civil and military honor system in France, inaugurated in AD 1802 to honor individuals who contributed significantly to the nation. Represented by a five-pointed star, it embodies values of equality, excellence, honor, unity, and discipline. The medal’s obverse exhibits an oak and laurel crown alongside the portrait of Marianne, the symbolic figure of the Republic. On the reverse side, intersecting tricolor flags and the inscription ‘Honor and Homeland (Honneur et Patrie)’ reflect the design during the Third Republic in France. Recipients hold the privilege of wearing the order and may display corresponding ribbons during ceremonial occasions.

卡登公司 菊苣根粉 貿易卡

物件編號: C17

年代: 公元 1890-1910 年

尺寸: 71 x 103 mm

來源: 法國私人收藏 2022

卡登 · 杜柏格是一家法國的巧克力工廠,由卡登家族於公元1884 年在法國北部的Raillencourt Saint-Olle創建,並與 La Boulangère 菊苣工廠有合作關係,它於公元1959 年被 Ibled巧克力工廠接管。 

此貿易卡的正面為法國榮譽軍團勳章的圖樣,以及該勳章的創始人拿破崙 · 波拿巴和一些軍官。卡片背面的文字簡單描述了此勳章的模樣、設立的背景,以及榮譽軍團的組成和待遇。 

法國榮譽勳章是法國現存最古老的民事和軍事榮譽制度,創立於公元1802年,勳章的創立旨在表揚那些對法國偉大有卓越貢獻的個人。 法國榮譽軍團的象徵是一顆五芒星,代表平等、卓越、榮譽、團結和紀律。該獎章的正面呈現橡樹葉與月桂葉的冠冕,還有共和女神瑪麗安妮(Marianne)的肖像,勳章背面則為兩面相交的三色旗和「榮譽與祖國」的銘文,為法國在第三共和國時期的設計。獲獎者有權佩戴勳章,並可在特殊場合穿戴相應的勳綬。 


唐思,謝亮 ,《號角:世界經典制服徽章藝術》(北京:中國長安出版社,2014)
