Papal States 4 Soldi

Item number: A18

Year: AD 1723

Manufactured by: Monetazione pontificia

Material: Copper

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2023

This coin originates from the world’s smallest sovereign state, Vatican City, and was issued as a copper coin by the predecessor, the Papal States, before the year AD 1868. The obverse features a left-profile portrait of Pope Pius IX, the reigning Catholic Pope at the time. Surrounding the portrait are Latin inscriptions indicating Pius IX (PIVS · IX), Supreme Pontiff (PONT · MAX), and the twenty-first year of his papacy (ANN · XXI).

On the reverse, the central inscription denotes the denomination Four Soldi, with the “R” symbol representing the minting location, Rome. Above the inscription is the Latin name of the Papal States, and below is another denomination of the coin 20 Centesimi. According to the currency conversion system of the Papal States, one Soldo could be exchanged for five Centesimi.

Upon assuming the position of Pope in the year AD 1846, Pius IX faced the formidable challenge of the burgeoning Italian unification movement. In the year AD 1870, following the loss of protection from France, the Papal States’ capital, Rome, was conquered by the Kingdom of Italy, marking the culmination of the peninsula’s unification. The Pope then retreated to the Vatican Palace in the northwest corner of Rome, becoming known as the “Prisoner of the Vatican.” It wasn’t until the year AD 1929, during the papacy of Pius XI, that the Lateran Treaty was signed with the Italian dictator Mussolini. This treaty established the sovereignty of the Vatican City within Rome, solidifying its status as the world’s smallest sovereign state, Vatican City.

教皇國 4索爾多

物件編號: A18

年代: 公元 1723 年

製造地: 教宗造幣廠


來源: 福君錢幣 2023

此硬幣為世界最迷你的主權國家梵蒂岡(Vatican City),於公元1868年前身教皇國(Papal States)發行的銅幣。正面為時任天主教教皇的庇護九世左側肖像,周圍的拉丁銘文,分別意指:庇護九世(PIVS · IX)、最高教長(PONT · MAX)和成為教宗的第二十一年(ANN · XXI)。 背面中間的銘文為面額:四索爾多(Soldi)R記號則為鑄造地點羅馬的縮寫。上方的拉丁字是教皇國的國名,下方則是硬幣的另一種面額:20聖特斯米(Centesimi)。依照教皇國的貨幣換算制度,一索爾多能兌換為五聖特斯米。


