Chocolat Louit Frères

war in China-Massacres of Moukden

Item number: C10

Series number: 07

Year: AD 1900-1930

Size: 65 x 105 mm

Provenance: Private collector, France, 2022

This trade card is the seventh card in the “War in China” (Guerre de Chine) series issued by Louit Frères et Compagnie, depicting the Massacres of Moukden during the Boxer Rebellion.

Massacre of Moukden, also known as the Boxer Uprising or the Boxer Rebellion, took place in Moukden, located on the southern side of the northeastern region of China, corresponding to the present-day precursor of Liaoning Province. This event unfolded as a Chinese uprising against foreign influences in various domains, including trade, politics, religion, and technology, spanning from November AD 1899 to September 7, AD 1901. 

The Boxers attacked Tianjin concessions, and the assassination of the German envoy in China served as a catalyst, prompting the formation of the Eight-Nation Alliance, consisting of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the United States, Russia, Japan, Italy, and Austria-Hungary. The alliance launched a military intervention, embarking on expeditions to Tianjin and Beijing. The conflict erupted into a war. The Boxer Rebellion and its organization were manipulated as a political tool by Empress Dowager Cixi

In AD 1825, former Imperial Army officer Paul Louit established a small family chocolate factory in Bordeaux. In AD 1846, the eldest son, Émile Louit, inherited the company and, together with his youngest brother Edouard Louit, founded the company Louit Frères et Compagnie. In AD 1857, the company began selling other food products, with mustard being its major offering. Branches were established throughout France. In the AD 1870s, the company emerged as a leading enterprise in the southwestern region, swiftly becoming a major competitor to Nestlé in the chocolate bar market and the most renowned and praised mustard producer in southwestern France. 

By the end of the 19th century, Louit Frères et Compagnie was producing 2,000 tons of chocolate and even exporting some of its products. The company suffered a severe blow during World War II when it faced fatal disruptions due to the unavailability of raw materials. Chocolate production ceased in AD 1942. Mustard production continued under license from Aromateria italiana Radaelli, a company near Genoa, Italy. In AD 1957, the heirs dissolved the company, retaining only the Louit mustard brand, which has been produced by the Italian Pucci group since AD 2013. 


中國的戰爭系列 奉天大屠殺

物件編號: C10

系列編號: 07

年代: 公元 1900-1930 年

尺寸: 65 x 105 mm

來源: 法國私人收藏 2022

此張貿易卡為Louit Frères et Compagnie公司所發行的中國的戰爭(Guerre de chine)系列的第七張奉天大屠殺(Massacres de Moukdem)。 

奉天大屠殺,又稱義和團起義或義和團運動,奉天位於中國東北地區南側,為現今遼寧省的前身。此事件是中國從公元1899 年11 月到公元1901 年9 月7 日期間在貿易、政治、宗教和技術等領域發生的針對外國影響的中國叛亂。


公元1825年,前帝國軍隊軍官Paul Louit在波爾多開設了一家小型家庭巧克力工廠。公元1846 年,四個男孩中的長子 Émile Louit 繼承了公司,並與幼子Edouard Louit 一起創立了Louit Frères et Compagnie公司。公元1857 年,公司開始銷售其他食品,以芥末為最大宗。它在法國各地開設分支機構。公元1870 年代,該公司躋身西南地區企業前列,迅速成為雀巢在巧克力棒市場的主要競爭對手,以及法國西南部最著名和最受讚賞的芥末生產商。 
19 世紀末,Louit Frères et Compagnie生產了2000 噸巧克力,甚至還出口了部分產品。第二次世界大戰期間因無法取得原料而對社會造成致命打擊。巧克力生產於公元1942 年停止。其芥末則是在熱那亞附近的意大利 Aromateria italiana Radaelli 公司的許可下生產的。Louit 繼承人於公元1957年解散了公司,僅保留 Louit 芥末品牌,該品牌自公元2013 年起由義大利 Pucci 集團生產。 


