Fantasy coin,

Qing Dynasty Guangxu 11

Emperor Guangxu(Double Xixi)



Item number: A30

Year: AD 1885

Material: Silver

Provenance: Stack’s Bowers Galleries 2023

This silver coin is a fantasy coin, the obverse features a half-length portrait of Emperor Guangxu wearing a winter crown, facing left. On the reverse side, there is a five-clawed coiled dragon, a symbol of imperial authority, encircled by the character “Xixi”(double happiness). On either side of the image of Emperor Guangxu, the characters denote the Guangxu Yiyou year, equivalent to the 11th year of the Guangxu era, corresponding to the year AD 1885.

It originated in Guangdong Province in the 13th year of the Guangxu era (AD 1887). Zhang Zhidong, the Viceroy of Liangguang , submitted a memorial to the imperial court, and three years later (AD 1890), China’s first machine-struck silver coin was finally minted. As for the Qing Dynasty, the central coordinating institution, the Hu Poo Mint Bureau, was not completed until the 31st year of the Guangxu era (AD 1905).

Considering the historical evolution of machine-struck coins in China outlined above and the fact that this coin is only documented in the book “Unusual World Coins: Companion Volume to Standard Catalog of World Coins Series,” it can be inferred that this coin is a fantasy coin produced after the 11th year of the Guangxu era (AD 1885). But as an elusive fantasy coin, this intricately designed specimen delivers much charm, with the detail being full and soft golden hue present throughout that intensifies at the peripheries. The noted cleaning is not distracting from the overall appeal of the example.

物件編號: A30

年代: 公元 1885 年


來源: SBP錢幣拍賣 2023


綜觀以上中國機造幣的沿革史,和該硬幣僅在《Unusual World Coins: Companion Volume to Standard Catalog of World Coins Series》一書出現,故推斷該硬幣實為光緒11年(公元1885年)後生產的臆造幣。但此罕見版式,充滿魅力和細節豐富其柔和金色包漿貫穿始終,延至環形色澤更深。雖有清洗痕跡,依然瑕不掩瑜。


張惠信,《中國貨幣史話目錄》(中和: 編著者,1982)

林國明 編,《中國近代機制金銀幣目錄》(上海 : 上海科學技術出版社,2022)

Bruce, Colin R., II. Unusual World Coins: Companion Volume to Standard Catalog of World Coins Series (USA:Krause Publications,2007).
