丹麥Danish West Indies

5 Cents



Item number: A22

Year: AD 1859

Material: Silver

Size: 16.0 x 16.0 mm

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2023

This 5-cent silver coin circulated in the Danish West Indies. The obverse features a profile portrait designed by the Chief Engraver of the Royal Mint, Harald Conradsen, depicting King Frederick VII. Surrounding the portrait are inscriptions rendered in Latin script denoting the royal title and the year of minting. On the reverse side is depicted a three-masted sailing ship with the stern displaying the Danish national flag. Above the ship is the inscription “Danish West Indies Coin” in Danish, while below it specifies the coin’s denomination as 5 cents.

In the year AD 1672, the Danish West Indies were established when the Royal-sponsored Danish West India Company occupied the island of Saint Thomas, which had been relinquished by France. This served as Denmark’s colonial center in the Caribbean. Following the abolition of slavery in AD 1848, the economic collapse of the colony resulted in a financial burden for the nation. Through a series of negotiations and a national referendum, in AD 1917, Denmark, through the Danish West Indies Treaty, formally sold the colony to the United States. Subsequently renamed the Virgin Islands, the colony became a United States overseas territory, a status it retains to the present day.

物件編號: A22

年代: 公元 1859 年


尺寸: 16.0 x 16.0 mm

來源: 福君錢幣 2023

此硬幣為流通於丹屬西印度群島的5分銀幣。硬幣正面是皇家鑄幣廠首席設計師Harald Conradsen替時任國王法雷迪七世(Frederick VII)設計的側像,周圍的刻字是以拉丁文拼寫之國王頭銜和鑄造年份。背面有艘船尾懸掛丹麥國旗的三桅帆船,上方是丹麥文書寫的「丹麥西印度硬幣」,下方則標示幣值為5分。


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