Michael I

wire money 1 denga



Item number: A43

Year: AD 1613-1645

Material: Silver

Size: 1.1 x 0.9 cm

Weight:  0.91 g

Provenance: Katz Auction 2023

In the obverse depiction of this Tenge (Denga) coin, the image of a mounted warrior wielding a military knife while holding it aloft remains distinctly discernible. Beneath the horse’s belly, the Russian abbreviation (MC) denoting the minting location, Moscow (москва) ,is prominently featured. The reverse side of the coin bears the name of the czar who authorized its issuance.

Due to the small size of the coins, which are often smaller than the minting dies, few examples show the entire design, and often only part of it is visible. However, according to the style and age of the coin, it can still be judged that it was minted during the tenure of Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov, the second dynasty of the Russian Czarist State, the founder of the Romanov dynasty.

At first, Mikhail I was unwilling to succeed Ivan IV. After the death of the Rurik dynasty, it fell into a Time of Troubles (Smutnoye vremya) for 15 years. It was riddled with problems. Faced with the succession turmoil and the Polish invasion, the Russian tsar country. However, in AD 1613, the 17-year-old Mikhail I was still forced to become the tsar after being elected by the All-Russian Council of Gentry, but also started the legend of the Romanov dynasty that spanned three centuries.

In terms of finance, in AD 1613, Mikhail I first restored the suspended Moscow Mint, and successively closed the mints in Yaroslavl, Pskov, Novgorod and other places. In the first five years, the country was still at war with neighboring Sweden and Poland. For this reason, most of the silver needed by the mint comes from the government recycling old coins from the private sector and melting them into raw materials. It was not until Russia signed armistice agreements with the above two countries that the mint could import silver ore from Western Europe (Spanish Netherlands). After AD 1627, it was established that the Moscow Mint was responsible for the issuance of coins nationwide and unified currency weight and silver content standards.

Russian wire money patterns from AD 1533 to 1717

1 kopekA knight riding a horse and pointing his spear at the lower right.
1/2 kopek 
A knight riding a horse and holding a saber.
1/4 kopek

物件編號: A43

年代: 公元 1613-1645 年


尺寸: 1.1 x 0.9 公分

重量: 0.91 g

來源: 捷克Katz 拍賣 2023

這枚騰格(denga)硬幣正面仍清楚保留手持軍刀的騎馬武士圖像,馬腹下方更有鑄幣廠所在地:莫斯科(Moscow, москва)之俄語縮寫(MC),背面則有發行該硬幣的沙皇姓名。

由於硬幣的尺寸往往小於鑄造模具,少有樣本能完整呈現出設計的全部內容,經常僅能看到其中的一部分。不過照錢幣的樣式和年代,仍能判斷是俄羅斯沙皇國第二任王朝,即羅曼諾夫王朝奠基者—米哈伊爾一世(Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov, Михаи́л Фёдорович)任內所鑄造。

起先,米哈伊爾一世不願意繼承伊凡四世的留里克王朝在絕嗣後,陷入長達15年的混亂時期(Smutnoye vremya)千瘡百孔面對繼承動亂和外有波蘭入侵的俄羅斯沙皇國。但公元1613年於全俄羅斯縉紳會議推選下,17歲的米哈伊爾一世仍被迫成為沙皇,卻也開啟橫跨三個世紀的羅曼諾夫王朝傳奇。


公元1533-1717年俄羅斯的金屬絲錢幣(wire money)圖案

1 kopek騎著一匹駿馬並把槍矛指向右下方的騎士。
1/2 kopek 
1/4 kopek 

類似/相同物件 請看:

蒙蒂費歐里 (Montefiore, Simon Sebag) ,《沙皇時代: 羅曼諾夫王朝三百年史》(台北市 : 馬可孛羅文化出版,2018)





