Anna Ioannovna

1 Denga


1 騰格

Item number: A20

Year: AD 1738

Material: Copper

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2023

This copper coin was minted during the period of Anna Ioannovna, the eighth ruler of the Russian Romanov dynasty and the second empress.
The obverse of the coin features ornate floral patterns encircling two lines of Russian text, “ДЕНГА,” signifying the currency unit “Tenge.” Below, the coin is inscribed with the minting date of AD 1738.

The reverse side of the coin features the emblem of the Russian Empire, a double-headed eagle, symbolizing the empire’s dominion over both the West and the East. The eagle wears a crown and holds a ball-topped cross and a scepter in its talons, signifying imperial authority and influence.

Anna was the daughter of Peter the Great’s half-brother Ivan V. Before she ascended the throne as Tsar in AD 1730, she married into the Principality of Courland and Semilia (today’s Latvia) and was deeply influenced by the local Germanic culture. . For this reason, after inheriting the position of Tsar, he basically followed the Westernization policy of Peter the Great. For example, the designer of this coin is Schulz Anton (Шульц Антон), a Danish medalist who has served in the palace since Peter the Great. Schulz Anton was best remembered at the St. Petersburg court not for his talent as a coin master but for his excessive drinking.

物件編號: A20

年代: 公元 1738 年


來源: 福君錢幣 2023

此枚銅幣為俄國羅曼諾夫王朝的第八任統治者,第二任女皇安娜·伊凡諾芙娜(Anna Ioannovna)時期所鑄造。正面為花草紋飾環繞的上下兩行俄文「ДЕНГА」為貨幣單位「騰格」之意,下方則標示硬幣的鑄造時間公元1738年。


安娜為彼得大帝同父異母的兄長伊凡五世之女,公元1730年登基為沙皇前,其外嫁至庫爾蘭和瑟米利亞公國(今拉脫維亞一帶),深受當地的日耳曼文化影響。為此繼承沙皇之位後,根本上沿襲彼得大帝時期的西化政策。例如這枚硬幣的設計者,即是自彼得大帝就於宮中服務的丹麥勳章家:舒爾茨·安東(Шульц Антон)。舒爾茨·安東在聖彼得堡的宮廷最為人樂道的,並不是他作為硬幣大師的才華,而是因為他過度酗酒。

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