Qing Dynasty, Tai Ching Silver Coin, 1 Tael, Guangxu, Emperor Guangxu, Hupeh Province (Small characters)

Item number: A07

Year: AD 1904

Material: Silver

Manufactured by: Hupeh Mint

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2023

The Tai Ching(Great Qing) Silver Coin was a machine-struck silver coin that circulated during the late Qing Dynasty. In the 31st year of the Guangxu reign (AD 1905), the Qing government, as part of a broader effort to reorganize and reform the currency system, mandated the adoption of the term Tai Ching Silver Coin to replace the earlier Guang Xu Yuan Bao. This coin is noteworthy as one of the earliest examples featuring the inscription Tai Ching Silver Coin. Based on the fort size of “Tai Ching Silver Coin” there exist two variants with differing character sizes, commonly referred to as the large characters and small characters editions.

On the obverse side, the inner bead circle bears the inscription “Tai Ching Silver Coin” in both Manchu and Chinese characters. The outer circle is inscribed with “Made by Hubei Province in the 30th year of Guangxu,” “Ku Ping One Liang,” and two six-petaled flowers. In the centre, the characters “One Liang” are inscribed directly, surrounded by a pair of dragons playing with a pearl. The outer periphery features inscriptions such as “HU PEH PROVINCE,” “ONE TAEL,” and “One Liang” in both Manchu and Chinese characters. Both faces of the coin exhibit inner serrations and outer borders, with a serrated edge defining the coin’s periphery.

光緒三十年 大清銀幣 湖北省 庫平一兩 小字版

物件編號: A07

年代: 公元 1904 年


製造地: 武昌湖北銀圓局

來源: 福君錢幣2023


此幣幣面珠圈內為「大清銀幣」滿漢文字樣,珠圈外環鑄「光緒三十年湖北省造」、「庫平一兩」及兩個六瓣花,中央有「壹兩」直書,並以雙龍戲珠環繞,周圍環鑄「HU PEH PROVINCE」、「ONE TABL」以及「壹兩」滿文字樣,雙面皆具內齒及外廓,幣邊為齒邊。

類似/相同物件 請看:

文化部典藏網 Ministry of Culture





林國明 編,《中國近代機制金銀幣目錄》(上海:上海科學技術出版社,2021)

