Northern and Southern dynasties Period

4 Zhu

南北朝 六朝


Item number: A03

Year: AD 430-

Material: Copper

Size: 11.56 x 13.84 mm

Weight: 2.08 g

Provenance: Fuchin Coin 2023

The “Four Zhu” coinage originated during the era of the Liu Song dynasty in the Southern Dynasties period. Historical records indicate that in the seventh year of Emperor Wen’s Yuanjia reign of the Liu Song dynasty, which was in October of the year AD 430, a mint was established in Jiankang. This mint began issuing the “Four Zhu” coins with the inscription “四銖” on the obverse side. Subsequently, in the first year of Emperor Xiaowu’s reign in AD 454, the production of the “Four Zhu” coins continued. The reverse side of these coins bore the additional inscription “孝建,” leading to their colloquial reference as the “Xiaojian Four Zhu” coins.

物件編號: A03

年代: 公元 430- 年


尺寸: 11.56 x 13.84 mm

重量: 2.08 g

來源: 福君錢幣 2023


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